Promoting Health and Ability through Body Mapping and Wellness Consultations
I am a licensed Body Mapping instructor and member of Andover Educators, founded by renowned Alexander Technique teacher Barbara Conable. Body Mapping is a wonderful tool that can help us move better and perform optimally. Think of it as an opportunity to update your "personal GPS!" Because quality of movement is based upon how we think we are built, Body Mapping helps us reduce physical limitation or injury and improve performance by examining, changing and refining our neurological maps of the body. Training kinesthetic sensitivity and inclusive awareness are essential elements of Body Mapping, along with learning about the body's structure through visual aids and experiential activity. Body Mapping can help performers and athletes of all levels prevent injury and increase proficiency.
My background as both singer and instrumentalist, my own experience as an injured musician, and decades of exploring a broad spectrum of somatic approaches, combine to allow me to provide a unique perspective on remediating and preventing injury.
Symposium of Korean Association of Voice for Performing Arts; Lecture and master class
May 26-28, Seoul Korea
MORE INFORMATION (pdf downloads)
Studio Rates and Policies
Body Mapping for Everyone
Body Mapping for Musicians
Body Mapping Workshops